Investing Trading
1. You are a shareholder of the company you bought it stocks You do not own stock when you day trade
2. You can earn dividend from dividend paying stocks No dividend because you do not own the stock that you trade
3. Passive income: You don’t need to participate actively to make money Not passive: You must trade to make money
4. Long term outlook, it pays to have at least a 5 years perspective when investing Short terms – trade open can close the same day
5. Lesser time to maintain, you might not need to check your portfolio for a month or more Time consuming: most trader trade daily
6. Lower risk, as you do not have to sell you stock even when there is a downturn in the market Higher risk, due to volatility and you have to close your trade whether you are in profit or loss
7. Less technicalities needed to be successful lot of technicalities needed to be successful
8. Stock price is needed for capital appreciation except dividend income Market can be traded in both directions